Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Gym and Pancakes

 How was everyone's Tuesday? Mine was great, its been busy but I cant honestly say, sometimes i like to be busy on the go. This morning my Great auntie, her boyfriend and their adorable puppy Portia left my house... on their journey back home through the snowy mountains! I saw on the weather channel this afternoon that there was a snow fall warning for the mountain pass they were traveling through! Praying everyone travelling out there tonight has a safe trip.
Puppy Love
Aria, Portia, Bella

Mom and the girls

After the the 3 of them left, what did I do? I went to the gym of course! I recently just switched gyms, from a community recreation center to and actual Fitness Club! I needed a change from what i had been doing for the passed 3 years and figured I go to a different Gym. I am SO happy with the switch! It's much smaller, less people and the members actually have gym etiquette. :) 

Aside from those things...my membership also includes access to individualized sauna's and the most amazing showers I have ever seen in a gym. I'm in love with my gym.


ALSO some more LOVING in my life.. my post workout PANCAKES I've been making!

With Blueberries

Blueberry Banana Coconut Pancakes

3 TBSP Coconut Flour
4-5 Egg Whites
1/3 CUP warm water

1. Mix with a fork or a whisk until a thick liquid (add more water or milk of choice if needed)
2. Pour pancake mixture onto griddle with a smidgen of coconut oil on medium heat. Slice up a banana and place slices on top of pancake(s). Allow pancakes to cook 3-5 minutes before flipping.
3. In a small dish, filled with frozen or fresh berries...heat in microwave for 1:30. mash them with a fork and set aside for topping your pancake(s).
4. Enjoy

These are SO delicious..you could top them with anything, I've added almond butter or Greek yogurt. Be as creative as possible :)

One more thing I LOVE

New Years Eve 2012 <3

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